
Episode 21

Advances In The Medical Industry

DISS - Corporate
DISS - Corporate
Advances In The Medical Industry

Episode Timeline

0:40 Favorite Baseball Team

4:00 HFMA Participation

17:00 Spanish Version

Healthcare Financial Management Association

The Puerto Rico Chapter of Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) Is Recognized As The Predominant Organization To Meet The Educational And Professional development Needs Of Puerto Rico With Careers In Financial Areas That Are Related to the Healthcare Industry.

What I enjoyed most about attending HFMA was the inclusion of elements from the state of Puerto Rico in the medical industry and being able to see young students as part of the networking of the big industries that represent the best of the island.

Our Cast:

Ruben Garcia Jr.

Chief Technology Officer of DISS with more than 25 years of Digital Solutions experience.

Michael del Piero, MHA

Master of Healthcare Administration. Sales Executive of DISS Analytics of DISS with more than 16 years of experience of Analytics.


Behind The Scenes