Episode 35
Regional IT Support at DISS
DISS - Corporate
Regional IT Support at DISS
Episode Timeline
1:50 Favorite Book
4:20 Your Passion For Technology
12:45 Aspect of Information Technology
Regional IT Support at DISS
Commercial Advertising professional with 5 years of experience in the service area, experience in the IT area with a focus on the Apple system, in companies in Miami, USA, currently Regional IT Support at DISS with certification in IT Fundamentals from Comptia
Technology Has Become The Revolution Of The World, Innovations Emerge Every Day That Change Our Lifestyle And Our Behavior, Since We Were Little We Have Enjoyed These Innovations And Today For Some It Is Our Passion.
More Efficiente Operations
Boosts IT’s Productivity
Improves Service Quality
Centralizes Communication
Behind The Scenes
I’m loving absolutely loving your BTS comments.
This episode was so much fun for me as it allowed me to geek out a bit with Jorge as well as discuss something very near and dear to my heart, my favorite books:
- The 1% Solution
- Built to Last (and its companion “From Good to Great”)
- The Little Red Book of Selling
- The 7 Habits
I truly believe that with this four books you have a guide not just to business, but to life itself.
I loved this episode, very fluent with our special guest Jorge. We talked about our favorite books, when I was a teenager I liked to read a lot, I spent the day, the nights until dawn reading, after growing up things have changed and I don't read as many books as before, in that time of great reading I discovered Isabel Allende, an excellent writer who marked me, her book The House of the Spirits is one of my favorites.
Our conversation also focused on technology and how Rubén and Jorge discovered how interesting it is, so much so that today everyone works in that area, everything shared is very interesting.
Greetings!! This is actually the first episode were recorded with Jorge Ortiz, and it was just so a natural and fluid conversation between him and our two regular hosts, It was a very fun episode to produce and my favorite book of all times is Dante's Divine Comedy, It’s a very descriptive passage from hell to purgatory, and then to heaven, I have an especially illustrated edition at my place, and is one of my most precious possessions.
Hey everyone! It was a pleasure to be a guest here and some of the topics got my blood
pumping for more tech knowledge. It’s interesting to see the perspective of others on where
the tech might take us in the future, which is why I think the distinction between Star Wars and
Star Trek is very important. We have to temper our expectations based on reality and Star Trek
does this amazingly, whereas Star Wars just throws them out and flies away in it’s magical
unicorn…I’m sorry, magical SPACE unicorn. We are a lot closer to the Tricoder than we are to
Bacta Tanks is what I’m saying. But there is definitely a hint of magic in all this, for sure. The
speed it has moved and the leaps it has taken are far from what I could have even imagined. If
you would have told me 10 years ago you would be able to take a run while keeping up with
your vitals, connected to a call on your phone, and had a full track mapped out for you, I’d have
told you, maybe, but that’s a lot of devices. And then you tell me that all comes from the same
device you are wearing on your wrist? Impossible. Yet, here we are, picking up phone calls with
our wrists, and connecting to our toilets through Wi-Fi. What a time to be alive!