Episode 20
Service Operations Supervisor
Episode Timeline
0:47 Service Operations Guatemala
16:34 Spanish Version
22:05 Key Performance Indicators
Service Operations
The Key Indicators To Improve Day By Day Are Based On Measuring And Understanding What Is Done With Metrics And Recording Of Times And Task Processes. Measurement Is The Key To DISS Success.
With the sense of urgency we can save a life.
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. More than 12 years of experience in the field and of these years, 6 years in the administration of technical service
Behind The Scenes
We also talk about a song that represents us and from my point of view Smile by Jungle is a song that I really enjoy:
If I were to introduce myself with this song it will be “Never Enough” from The Greatest Showman soundtrack because I consider myself a dreamer and a very driven person and I am always seeking for new and better ways to do things